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More than ever , for the art treasures that it contains, for the powerful architectural structure that characterizes it and above all for the sacramental celebrations that mark the life of the Christian people, the Cathedral of Santa Maria Assunta is a sign and sacrament of the glory of that God who wanted to live among us, planting his dwelling among the homes and in the hearts of the people. If the true temple of God is the Body of the Risen Lord, the stone temple in which the “living stones” – the disciples of Jesus – gather, in some way prolongs the mystery and the reality of the Incarnation of the Word. God in fact did not want to remain hidden in his unfathomable and invisible mystery, rather he chose to weave his life with ours, entering in the person of the Son, in our time, in our history and in our geography. Starting with the event of the Incarnation, God gave himself to us in all the human features, including the dimensions of the figurative and architectural arts that are among the highest expressions of the human spirit. It can be said that the incarnation of God is also

his entry into matter, the beginning of a momentous movement in which all matter is to become a vessel for the Word

(J. Ratzinger).


The iconic richness of our Duomo is a powerful aid not only to cognitively understand, but also to enter existentially into the history of salvation, which is the story of God’s encounter with human affairs.

Crossing the threshold of our highest city temple, we cannot help but be attracted by the figure of the Redeemer – in his severity as a benign and merciful judge among the symbols of the evangelists and together with the patron saints of the City – portrayed in the glory of heaven, ultimate and definitive end of human adventure, the fulfillment of our every desire, of all our sighs, of all our travails. Sharing the glory of the Redeeming Son is the Mother, the Virgin of the Assumption, to whom the Cathedral is dedicated and who is portrayed in the altarpiece: to remind us that our existential itinerary has in Mary

A sign of sure hope and solace to the wandering people of God.

(cf. Lumen Gentium 68).



Sono disponibili in Duomo delle pubblicazioni che approfondiscono la storia della nostra Cattedrale e delle sue ricchezze artistiche che su questo sito abbiamo voluto semplicemente accennare.

Questi sono alcuni volumi ancora disponibili che potrete acquistare, se siete lontani, anche su siti per la vendita online.

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